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The Great Buster is a movie starring Peter Bogdanovich, Dick Cavett, and Frank Capra. Documentary on the life and works of comic genius Buster Keaton, directed by Peter Bogdanovich; star=Dick Cavett; scores=710 vote; Peter Bogdanovich; 7,9 / 10 stars; genre=Documentary. Watch online the great buster keaton. Critics Consensus The Great Buster: A Celebration isn't as breathlessly entertaining as the filmography that inspired it, but as a long-overdue primer, it's close to essential. 93% TOMATOMETER Total Count: 45 91% Audience Score User Ratings: 112 The Great Buster: A Celebration Ratings & Reviews Explanation The Great Buster: A Celebration Videos Movie Info THE GREAT BUSTER celebrates the life and career of one of America's most influential and celebrated filmmakers and comedians, Buster Keaton, whose singular style and fertile output during the silent era created his legacy as a true cinematic visionary. Filled with stunningly restored archival Keaton films from the Cohen Film Classics library, THE GREAT BUSTER is directed by Peter Bogdanovich, a filmmaker and cinema historian whose landmark writings and films on such renowned directors as John Ford and Orson Welles have become the standard by which all other studies are measured. Keaton's beginnings on the vaudeville circuit are chronicled in THE GREAT BUSTER, as is the development of his trademark physical comedy and deadpan expression that earned him the lifelong moniker of "The Great Stone Face", all of which led to his career-high years as the director, writer, producer and star of his own short films and features. Interspersed throughout are interviews with nearly two-dozen collaborators, filmmakers, performers and friends, including Mel Brooks, Quentin Tarantino, Werner Herzog, Dick van Dyke and Johnny Knoxville, who discuss Keaton's influence on modern comedy and, indeed, cinema itself. The loss of artistic independence and career decline that marked his later years are also covered by Bogdanovich, before he casts a close eye on Keaton's extraordinary output from 1923 to 1929, which yielded 10 remarkable feature films (including 1926's The General and 1928's Steamboat Bill, Jr. ) that immortalized him as one of the greatest actor-filmmakers in the history of cinema. Rating: NR Genre: Documentary Directed By: Written By: In Theaters: Oct 5, 2018 limited On Disc/Streaming: Apr 2, 2019 Runtime: 102 minutes Studio: Cohen Media Group Cast News & Interviews for The Great Buster: A Celebration Critic Reviews for The Great Buster: A Celebration Audience Reviews for The Great Buster: A Celebration The Great Buster: A Celebration Quotes Movie & TV guides.


Watch online the great buster posey. Synopsis The Great Buster celebrates the life and career of one of Hollywood’s most prolific and influential filmmakers, Buster Keaton. Stunning restorations of archival works bring Keaton’s magic to life on the big screen, while interviews with his friends, family, collaborators, and a broad array of artists influenced by his singular vision detail a life and character that was as complex, bold, and graceful as the great works themselves. Bogdanovich’s personal dive into the Keaton archives reveals a visionary artist who put everything on the line for a laugh in such treasured films as The General (1926), Steamboat Bill Jr. (1928), Sherlock Jr. (1924), and so many others.

The Great Buster: A Celebration Synopsis A celebration of the life and career of one of America's most influential and celebrated filmmakers and comedians, Buster Keaton, whose singular style and fertile output during the silent era created his legacy as a true cinematic visionary. Cast Crew Details Genre Director Producers Writer Cinematography Studio Country Language Alternative Titles The Great Buster, The Great Buster - A Celebration Popular reviews More On one hand, this was a very good documentary. Peter Bogdanovich also directed a great documentary on Tom Petty, which is highly recommended (don't let the 4. 5 hour length put you off). Despite being a Buster Keaton fan and seeing a TON of his films, the documentary brought to light a ton of films that I hadn't seen. Buster just did SO much, including lots of funny TV commercials that I had no idea about. There are interviews from family members, renowned directors, and... Johnny Knoxville. Some of the interviews felt weird. I didn't need to hear Knoxville extensively talking about how Buster inspired his work on Jackass. Also, other directors talking about their work and how Buster inspired 's… ☆ "It was the famous magician Harry Houdini who saw Keaton fall down the stairs unhurt, at the age of six months and said, 'That's some buster your kid took there. ' Now it may not have been Houdini who said it, but what the hell. " ☆ I had so much fun watching a half dozen more Buster Keaton films a few days ago -- both ones he directed and ones from MGM hand Edward Sedgwick -- despite the diminishing quality. Every movie had some charm and laughs and for a simple mind like me, that's all I really need on a long lonely weekend. And though I have many more of his earlier silent features I'd like to watch one day, I've… Aside from the wealth of Buster stuff there are two things I really like about this, one the remarkable array of names that have been assembled to discuss this important subject, and, more importantly, two, that it manages to shake off that fatal stuffiness that most silent movie documentaries always seem to have thanks to a brisk pace and Bogdanovich's conversational narration. Documentaire conventionnel, un brin superficiel parce que plus porté vers l’hommage. En même temps, c’est dans le titre. Reste la magie de voir des gens dans une salle, en 2019, rire à des gags de Buster Keaton. Cet homme traversera les siècles. Et j'ai versé une larme. Parce qu’au final, Buster me fera toujours pleurer. A pretty conventional documentary clip show elevated by the simple fact that you get to watch a whole lot of Buster Keaton gags in a relatively short amount of time. Should probably be subtitled something more like "An Introduction" since the proceedings are a bit too dry to feel truly celebratory. I doubt that existing fans will see or hear anything too surprising. But as a way of getting more people interested in the screen's greatest comic, it serves a noble purpose. Highlight for me was a clip of an elderly Buster expressing frustration over a young director changing one of his gags at the last minute. It perfectly highlights Bogdanovich's thesis that Keaton's career would never recover from the… Honnête, par un passionné, les contributions des vedettes sont maintenues au minimum, franchement émouvant par bout. S'adresse plus aux néophytes qu'aux férus. Recent reviews I've never seen a Buster Keaton film. And before you start complaining, well there's nothing to complain about. I haven't seen a Joe "Buster" Keaton film and you have. I was busy watching Chaplin in high school. Now I get to look forward to watching Buster in my 30's. Sounds like a good set up to me! Anyway, without saying we all know Buster is the Big Time and it's all classic and god-tier so what can you say about something that is about something perfect? Especially when most of the documentary is clips of Buster's craft. The craft of the documentary is not exceptional, and it is all too awkward with the celebrity appearances. It's more like Peter Bogdanovich… Lives up to its promise of celebration with excited editing and narration that feels more like Bogdanovich fanboying than running through a truncated encyclopedia. Keaton’s features and shorts are preserved and presented terrifically, but the documentary is most surprising when it chronicles his post-independent career. Sad material, but the doc’s levity goes untouched. A work of pure affection, but one that works because it doesn’t take itself all that seriously. Not film historicism so much as an elongated, passionately orchestrated standing ovation. A definitive document on the silent movie star’s life and career, The Great Buster: A Celebration is informative, insightful and endearing with its array of talking heads from Dick Van Dyke, Mel Brooks and Paul Dooley to Bill Hader, Johnny Knoxville and Quentin Tarantino further proving the influential reach of Keaton’s magic. Helmed and narrated by Peter Bogdanovich, this love letter will only carry on the great Buster’s legacy and inform newer generations of what they’re missing. What you ever want to know about the great Buster. Film maker, actor, innovator, and the greatest there ever was. Fun to spend 100 minutes hearing Bogdanovich laugh at physical gags, quote Gore Vidal, & tell old Hollywood stories also one of the greatest movie titles of all time Peter Bogdanovich's love letter to Buster Keaton is well constructed and well told and doesn't pull too many punches retelling the life of one of the key figures in the silent comedy era. For the most part it's a fairly paint-by-numbers retelling of Buster's life with talking head commentary from many who knew him. It's sweet to watch these people remember a friend and in most cases an icon and inspiration and for anyone who doesn't know the story of Buster's life it's quite interesting. There are certain darker aspects such as his battle with alcoholism and frequent infidelities which are glossed over to a certain degree but they are at least mentioned and ultimately this isn't the kind of… My favorite historian and lover of American cinema made a picture on the great American silent filmmaker and it could not have been more evident the joy and adoration Peter has for this era. 84/100 I'm already a huge fan of Buster and have seen all of his silent work and I feel like this is aimed more at people who haven't but it was still a joyous and fascinating experience, particularly all of the clips from his late career work. I also love Peter Bogdanovich's narration and obvious love for his subject. little sad face fellow 🖤 Popular Lists Films With A Good Heart Films that promote caring and understanding. Films with good intentions. Trying to avoid films that are controversial or problematic to…

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Watch Online The Great butter london. Watch Online The Great bustes gentle. Watch Online The Great butter. Watch Online The Great busters. Watch Online The Great buster. Diretto e raccontato in voice over da Peter Bogdanovich, The Great Buster: A Celebration – presentato in Venezia Classici – è un omaggio troppo impersonale al grande talento comico/teorico di Buster Keaton. Che fine hai fatto Keaton? The Great Buster celebra la vita e la carriera di uno dei cineasti più prolifici e influenti di Hollywood, Buster Keaton. [sinossi] Ringrazieremo sempre – vita natural durante – Peter Bogdanovich per essere alfine riuscito a portare ai nostri famelici sguardi la versione di The Other Side of the Wind di Orson Welles, presentata a Venezia 75. Ma allo stesso tempo non possiamo essere troppo accomodanti con il film che l’autore de L’ultimo spettacolo ha presentato – sempre a Venezia 75 – come regista, vale a dire The Great Buster: A Celebration, selezionato in Venezia Classici. Il film, come è esplicitato dal titolo, è una celebrazione del talento comico di Buster Keaton, condotta però in maniera troppo compassata e, viene da dire, anche impersonale. Bogdanovich ci mette la sua voce come narratore nel raccontare vita e carriera di Keaton, ma non offre nessuna particolare chiave di lettura: l’infanzia dell’autore di The Navigator viene d’altronde esposta senza aggiungere niente rispetto all’autobiografia Memorie a rotto di collo, mentre i contributi di persone che l’hanno conosciuto o di grandi registi contemporanei che lo apprezzano (come Tarantino o Werner Herzog) non offrono spunti di sorta. Certo, gli spezzoni dei film fanno ridere, ma sono tutti già noti, a parte qualche piccola, microscopica, eccezione (un filmato televisivo in cui si vede Keaton anziano in compagnia della moglie, alcuni spot davvero spassosi). The Great Buster: A Celebration appare dunque come un documentario tautologico in cui i personaggi intervistati ripetono che Keaton era grande e in cui l’assunto viene confermato dalle sequenze che Bogdanovich ci mostra. Un bignamino, dunque, su Keaton che può essere utile per chi non lo conosce per niente, ma che certo dice ben poco a chi lo conosce anche solo un po’. E, anzi, in tal senso, si può sollevare anche qualche ulteriore perplessità: Bogdanovich ci parla molto – e lungamente – dello straordinario uso del corpo keatoniano e del suo ottimo senso del ritmo, ma ci dice ben poco del genio di Keaton da regista e, addirittura, non ci dice nulla a proposito degli straordinari spunti teorici che il suo cinema offre, a partire ovviamente da Sherlock Jr. Non è un caso, d’altronde, che Bogdanovich non faccia alcun cenno alla passione che i surrealisti ebbero per Keaton e che, allo stesso tempo, tratti con estrema superficialità (definendola una prova controversa) il capolavoro della vecchiaia di Keaton, vale a dire Film di Samuel Beckett. Questa omissione verso l’autorialità europea la si può spiegare con il fatto che sembra evidente che The Great Buster: A Celebration sia rivolto a un pubblico esclusivamente americano di media-bassa cultura. Ma ce la possiamo spiegare anche ricordando una vecchia presa in giro di Welles nei confronti di Bogdanovich: quest’ultimo non capiva perché La ricotta di Pasolini fosse grande e non aveva apprezzato una spettacolo di Eduardo e allora Welles gli disse qualcosa come: «Peter, non c’è niente da fare. Tu, se vedi qualcosa che esce al di fuori dei confini del Mississippi o dell’Arizona, non capisci niente». Era un’affettuosa presa in giro, ma era anche una brillante intuizione a proposito dell’eccessivo “americanismo” di Bogdanovich. Si potrebbe obiettare a The Great Buster: A Celebration anche la scelta poco condivisibile di spostare anticronologicamente nell’ultima parte del film il periodo d’oro di Keaton, vale a dire quello dei lungometraggi degli anni Venti, mostrando dunque la vecchiaia e la morte prima, con il risultato di provocare uno sbalestramento emotivo nello spettatore, evidentemente non voluto. Si potrebbe obiettare, certo, ma forse è meglio concludere con una piccola notazione a nostro avviso molto interessante: Keaton, poco prima della morte, girò un cortometraggio diretto dall’inglese Gerald Potterton, un giovane regista che adorava le comiche. In questo corto, che si intitola The Railrodder, si intende dunque omaggiare tutta quella stagione; ma, ad un certo punto, Bogdanovich ci mostra un fuori-scena, un dietro le quinte, una sorta di making of, in cui Keaton si lamenta apertamente del suo regista, accusandolo di non capire nulla di ritmo scenico e di soluzioni comiche. Ecco, questo momento ci appare cruciale e avremmo voluto vedere di più: perché è una di quelle rarissime volte in cui un gigante del cinema spiega i segreti della comicità, che – come tutti sanno – è tremendamente più difficile da realizzare rispetto alla tragedia. E, poi, per concludere con un po’ di provincialismo, perché Bogdanovich non fa cenno neanche a Due marines e un generale con Franco e Ciccio? Info La scheda di A Great Buster: A Celebration sul sito della Biennale. Genere: documentario Titolo originale: The Great Buster: A Celebration Paese/Anno: USA | 2018 Regia: Peter Bogdanovich Sceneggiatura: Peter Bogdanovich Fotografia: Dustin Pearlman Interpreti: Bill Hader, Buster Keaton, Carl Reiner, Cybill Shepherd, French Stewart, Jon Watts, Mel Brooks, Nick Kroll, Peter Bogdanovich, Quentin Tarantino, Werner Herzog Produzione: Cohen Media Group Durata: 102'.

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